Episode 11

Ep. 11: Myrony-The Spiritual Serendipities of Life with Special Guest Alysha Myronuk

Hi there!

I had the pleasure of having a great spiritual conversation with Alysha Myronuk, who is the creator of the fun new word, myrony (my+irony), which are the crazy coincidences in life we can’t explain and another word for sign/synchronicity. And through her intuition, she navigated some pretty rocky waters!

Her life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that excruciating chronic condition along with many other life challenges, including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, suicide, thoughts/attempt, alcohol/prescription drug abuse/addiction, and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35.

Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity are what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense.” It was great to chat with her about these experiences and how she healed so much of this trauma.

She now shares her new concept hosting the “That’s Myrony” Podcast along with her spiritual coaching business, “My Myrony” Mentoring, where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing,” also known as "claircognizance," to help her clients through Intuitive “Soul Sessions” with her “Unlock Your Blocks” Program, which helps release (at a soul level) what they need to move forward and create the life they truly desire, all with a little myrony!

If you feel overwhelmed or stuck and would like to have a FREE 30-minute Intuitive “Soul Session” so Alysha can uncover some of your blocks and maybe even discover the name for your inner SUPERPOWER, then please click following the link to schedule a call! www.ThatsMyrony.com/my-myrony-mentoring

To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast, “My Myrony” Mentoring, or to follow on Social Media, visit:

Website: www.ThatsMyrony.com

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/AlyshaMyronuk

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Managing Your Multi-Passionate Life
Managing Your Multi-Passionate Life
Real Talk for Folks with Multiple Interests

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About your host

Profile picture for Carol Dickson-Carr

Carol Dickson-Carr

When people used to ask me what I do for a living for the past 14 years or so, I simplify by saying, “I teach people stuff.”

Teaching is my passion!

My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in economics and I’ve also received Coach training in various programs since 2004. Prior to moving to Dallas in 2007, I worked in the private sector calculating economic damages for an employment litigation firm for six years and was a legislative analyst for the House Finance and Tax Committee at the Florida Legislature for a little over five years. (Yawn)

I teach economics and workplace writing at Southern Methodist University and my teaching doesn’t stop on campus—nor do the subjects! I have a passion for things that keep me sane, such as music and movement. They started as hobbies but became moneymakers in private music lessons, play-shops, and fitness (Pilates and Dance). My days are NEVER dull!